Our Governance
Aware is committed to maintaining the highest standards of corporate and clinical governance across all areas of our work.
Aware is governed by its Memorandum and Articles of Association and a Board of Directors is responsible for the strategic development and governance oversight of the organisation on behalf of its Members. Membership is voluntary, with no remuneration paid and expenses reimbursed where claimed and receipted.
Aware is compliant with the Charities Governance Code as set out by the Charity Regulator to include maintenance of a Compliance Record Form which came into effect in 2022. The organisation also complies with legal requirements under a wide range of Acts, policies and charters including: Registration with the Charities Regulatory Authority; Garda vetting; data protection legislation; employment legislation; health & safety legislation; Children First guidelines; the Irish Charities Tax Reform Statement of Guiding Principles for Fundraising, and the new Lobbying Act 2015.
Aware has a robust risk management process in place, supported by our governance structure and vigorous internal controls.
Our Financial & Fundraising Governance
Aware’s accounts are prepared in accordance with the new standard FRS102 (The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland) and independently audited each year (current auditors are PWC). Annual accounts are published on aware.ie and also filed with the Companies Registration Office.
Aware has adopted the standards contained within the Statement of Guiding Principles for Fundraising from the Irish Charities Tax Reform group. The aim of these standards is to improve fundraising practice, promote high levels of accountability and transparency and provide clarity and assurance to donors and prospective donors about the organisations they support.
Our Clinical Governance
Aware’s Clinical Committee is responsible for the clinical oversight of the organisation, supported by the Clinical staff team to include a Clinical Director and Director of Services. Their role is to review and recommend Aware’s clinical strategy and ensure that our services and programmes of research operate effectively, professionally and in line with clinical best practice.
Aware’s support services are managed by individual Service Managers and delivered by over 400 trained Volunteers across the country. Volunteers take part in a rigorous recruitment and training process and are required to sign the Aware Volunteer Agreement, committing to the ethos and culture of Aware and compliance with Aware’s policies and procedures. Aware is proud to have achieved the Investing in Volunteers Award, the national quality standard for best practice in volunteer management.
Aware’s education services are delivered by professional Training Partners and Mental Health Professionals who are trained and employed by Aware on a contract basis to deliver standardised programmes. A set fee per session is applied.
All Volunteers and trainers are Garda vetted and have completed Children First training.

Aware is compliant with The Governance Code – a Code of Practice for Good Governance of Community, Voluntary and Charitable Organisations in Ireland: www.governancecode.ie

Aware is a Triple Locked member with Charities Institute Ireland through actively demonstrating our openness, transparency and integrity to our beneficiaries and donors.

As a charity seeking donations from the public, Aware operates within the Guidelines for Charitable Organisations on Fundraising from the Public as published by the Charity Regulator.