
Terms & Conditions


Last Updated: 24 May 2018


These Terms of Service cover your use of the website. By using the site, you are accepting these terms. We want you to understand how the site works so we’ve tried to keep the language as clear as possible. If you’ve got a more technical query, contact us and we’ll answer as best we can.

This policy covers pages on the domain only and may change from time to time to take account of new services or alternative wording/spelling. The date of the most recent change(s) should always be displayed on the page. Other sites that we link to (e.g. Facebook) have their own terms of service which will be displayed on their websites. You can find more information on the third-party tools used on below.

If you can’t find the information you want here, it might be covered in our Privacy Policy. Otherwise, feel free to get in touch. Lastly, please let us know if anything isn’t working correctly for you around the site and we’ll try to figure out what the problem might be.

General site

You’re free to use most sections of the site as you please – this includes sharing links with others, printing off pages, saving copies of any PDFs we’ve provided, etc. Please remember that the copyright belongs to us though (or, in some cases, has been cleared by us and credited appropriately). This means that you should not pass any of this work off as your own. The site is provided free of charge and we have no plans to change this.

We do have a few restrictions, though. When using the site, do not break any laws or add misleading comments or posts. This means that spam, traffic-bombing, hacking, the spreading of viruses, trojans or any other malicious code, and trying to harvest information from the site for any of these purposes are all forbidden.

Is my use of confidential?

While our Privacy Policy explains more fully what data is collected about visitors’ usage of our website. Please note that use of our support services is confidential within normal limits only.

We have designed the website so that you can choose how open you wish to be. You don’t have to register to find information on depression or fundraising, for instance, and we only ask for personal details like your email address where necessary, e.g. to donate or to register for additional services or sign up for events.  You will only receive email updates from Aware if you sign up to our mailing list. If you are giving us personal details, please make sure they’re correct or you may not be able to do what you’d planned.

I gave you my email address – am I on a mailing list?

Not unless you signed up to our mailing list. We don’t display email addresses publicly and we will never sell any email addresses that we have been given, to a third party.

Depending on how and why you gave us your email address, it might be used to reply to a message you sent us, to thank you for a donation. You will only receive email communications from Aware if you join our mailing list. If you would like to be removed from this mailing list, please let us know.

What third-party tools are used on this site?

Some parts of are powered by applications or widgets designed by third parties. These include our online payment processing system, media hosting sites like YouTube. For free events, we occasionally use online registration software.

We have chosen these tools for their trustworthiness. Access to these services is carefully controlled within Aware and all administrator accounts are protected by secure passwords.

Online Services

You can access our Support Mail service. The service is confidential within normal limits. This email address is for mood disorder support only. For general queries about volunteering, fundraising, etc., please use the details on our Contact Us page.

Emails to the support service are handled by Aware staff and/or volunteers. We do not give medical advice and it is not a diagnostic service. Always see your doctor about any symptoms or side effects that you are concerned about. While we aim to reply to each email within one working day, this is not always possible and the service is not intended for emergencies. If you need help urgently, please call our Support Line. Please be polite to our volunteers as we do not guarantee a reply if you are abusive.

The service is confidential within normal limits only and your email address is used only to reply to your message. We will never add addresses from the email support service to our email newsletter subscriber list (although you are free to sign up yourself using the same address). We may gather statistics on the use of the service (e.g. number of emails received, whether queries are from someone who experiences a mood disorder or family members, etc.) but these will not involve personal data. However please be aware that personal data given by using the email support service is confidential within normal limits only.

Remember too that you do not have to use your primary email account to contact us – it is entirely up to you what email address you use and you will receive our reply as long as you have access to the inbox for that account. If your email address has been submitted, accidentally or otherwise, just let us know when we ‘reply’ to you that there has been a mistake.

Financial transactions

Our online payment processing service is provided by Stripe, a reputable Irish company. This means that while event registration forms, our online store and our online donations form are all hosted on the domain, final payment pages (where you enter your card details) are actually hosted on Stripe’s servers. Your credit card details are not entered on

Any website accepting payments online must meet PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) requirements. This is an industry standard supported by major credit card companies like Visa and Mastercard. PCI compliance means that these companies are satisfied that their customers’ details are safe. Stripe meets these standards fully on behalf of its clients, including Aware.

Aware’s Stripe administration account is password-protected and access to it is carefully controlled. Only your cardholder details are submitted to Stripe’s servers (your email address, for instance, is only submitted to To see Stripe’s security policy, follow this link.

For any transaction you make through an event registration form or our online donation facilities, we use your email address to confirm the success of your payment, thank you for your support and notify you with any updates that may be necessary (e.g. changes to event details, shipping dates for shop orders, etc.). You will only receive updates from Aware if you choose to join our mailing list. If you make a donation on behalf of someone else and choose to notify them, we will use your name in the email our system sends them.

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