About Us

Our Board Committees

To further strengthen our governance, the Board has established a number of Committees whose members comprise of Board members. Staff, volunteers and interested parties may be co-opted to a Committee where deemed appropriate. Each Committee reports directly to the Board and meets several times during the year. The Committees are as follows:
Clinical Committee
With responsibility for:
  • Reviewing and recommending the organisation’s clinical strategy
  • Reviewing and monitoring services to ensure they meet the highest clinical standards
  • Reviewing, recommending and overseeing programmes of research
Finance & Remuneration Committee
With responsibility for:
  • Monitoring and reviewing the financial performance of the company, including thorough review of the company’s financial policies, controls, budgets and accounts
  • Reviewing remuneration policies, procedures and changes to remuneration
Services Committee
With responsibility for:
  • Reviewing existing services
  • Developing new services
  • Monitoring progress in delivering on targets set for the year
Fundraising & Communications Committee
With responsibility for:
  • Supporting the strategic development of the fundraising and communications functions

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