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Corporate Partnerships
By choosing Aware as your charity partner, you are demonstrating your support for better mental health – to your team, your customers and to the wider community.
At Aware, we pride ourselves on developing mutually beneficial relationships with our corporate partners. We will work with you and your colleagues to create a shared partnership that will meet your objectives, engage your employees and support your fundraising initiatives.
Together, we have the opportunity to change more lives, both within your workplace community and within the communities we serve.
About Aware
Aware is the national organisation providing free support, education and information services to those impacted by anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder and related mood conditions. Founded in 1985, the organisation developed in response to the clear need for information, understanding and support, both for individuals with a diagnosis of depression or bipolar disorder as well as family members supporting a loved one.
Today, Aware services include weekly Support & Self Care Groups, and a Support Line and Support Mail service, both of which operate 365 days a year. Aware also delivers a range of wellbeing programmes designed to empower adults and senior cycle school students with the knowledge and skills to build resilience and protect their mental health.
In 2023, Aware directly supported up to 40,000 people via our support and education services, with over 500,000 people accessing information and resources via our website.
Why do we need your support?
All of our public services are delivered free of charge. On average we receive less than 25% of our income from the State each year. Without the support of the public and our Corporate Partners, we would not be able to continue to deliver these services – essential services that have a significant and positive impact on individuals and communities nationwide.
In 2023, Corporate Partners were responsible for 23% of Aware’s income. The invaluable support from our partners allows us to make a difference each and every day – whether it’s answering a call from someone who needs support or delivering positive mental health programmes in schools around the country. Importantly, they are also helping us to reduce stigma by demonstrating their support for better mental health.
Find out more about our Corporate Partnerships in the video below
To find our how we can work together, contact us today:

Stephen Butterly
Head of Fundraising & Business Development

Drew Flood
Business Development Manager

Miriam Ryan
Corporate & Foundation Fundraising Manager
Our Partners
Our current partners include:


How does a partnership work?
Aware is grateful for the support of a wide range of Corporate Partners from small independent companies to large global organisations.
Every partnership starts with an exploratory conversation. This allows you to find out more about us and how your support can make a significant and long lasting impact. It also enables us to find out more about your organisation, what you wish to achieve from the charity partnership and discuss how Aware can be of support to you and your team.
Ultimately, we will work closely with you to devise a mutually beneficial partnership that meets the objectives of both organisations.
Make a corporate donation
€ 500
€ 3000
Supporting your team
"The Wellness@Work Programme has has been an extremely beneficial exercise for all of our team here. We enjoyed the session and gained a new awareness of how to manage day to day stress as well as what can compound it. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this programme to any employer for whom employee wellbeing is a priority."
It’s more important now than ever, to prioritise the mental health of your employees. Through our partnership, we can provide workplace wellbeing programmes and Aware resources to support your team and help create a happier and more productive work environment.
Aware’s suite of programmes have been designed in response to the increased need for mental health awareness and resilience within the workplace environment.
Options available:
- One hour session for employees
- Half day session for line, HR and senior management
- Bespoke talks that align with your specific needs
Aware’s workplace mental health education programmes have been developed under the guidance of Aware’s clinical team and they aim to:
- Help employees understand the importance and value of looking after their mental health and to use relevant coping skills.
- Help managers learn skills and identify strategies for assisting employees who are dealing with challenges.
- Gain awareness of the early warning signs of mental health problems and increase the opportunity to refer people to early support and intervention.
Aware is committed to maintaining the highest standards of corporate and clinical governance across all areas of our work.
Aware is governed by its Memorandum and Articles of Association and a Board of Directors is responsible for the strategic development and governance oversight of the organisation on behalf of its Members. Membership is voluntary.
Aware is compliant with the Charities Governance Code as set out by the Charity Regulator to include maintenance of a Compliance Record Form which came into effect in 2022. The organisation also complies with legal requirements under a wide range of Acts, policies and charters including: Registration with the Charities Regulatory Authority; Garda vetting; data protection legislation; employment legislation; health & safety legislation; Children First guidelines; the Irish Charities Tax Reform Statement of Guiding Principles for Fundraising, and the new Lobbying Act 2015.
Aware has a robust risk management process in place, supported by our governance structure and vigorous internal controls.
Read more here.
Aware Donor Charter
As a charity seeking donations from the public, Aware operates within the Guidelines for Charitable Organisations on Fundraising from the Public as published by the Charities Regulator. Our pledge is to treat all our donors with respect, honesty and openness. We will ensure that we are accountable and transparent in every facet of our operation, so that donors and prospective donors can have full confidence in all aspects of the way in which we run our organisation.