Have you considered leaving a gift to Aware in your will?
Aware was founded in 1985, and for decades had been offering free of charge support to those of us who experience depression or live with bipolar disorder. We have developed education programmes for teenagers and adults, and support programmes for relatives and friends who can also be affected. And we are ambitious to do even more to break down the stigma that can still exist in respect of mental ill health.
Any gift, no matter the size, can have an impact. You can leave a specified amount or a percentage of your estate, to make sure your loved ones or other legacy wishes are looked after first.
Your contribution can help ensure we continue into the future offering services which we know can change lives, and in some circumstance, save lives.
If you have any questions about leaving a legacy to Aware, please contact our fundraising team.
Aware is a charity, Registered Charity No. 20013189, and Aware is a Company, Limited by Guarantee and Not Having a Share Capital.