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Clinical Director Blog
In this monthly blog series, our Clinical Director Dr Susan Brannick, explores and summarises the latest in mental health developments and research. Check back at the end of every month for an updated blog.
Dr Brannick has been working in mental health services since 2007, both in the UK and more recently in general hospital in Ireland. Her areas of specialisms include Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Mindfulness and Compassion based approaches as well as service delivery and innovation.
You can read all of our blogs and news below.

My journey to a bipolar disorder diagnosis
Once diagnosed, as awful as it sounds, it was a relief as now I could work with something and focus on understanding it and how to manage it.

The Gift of Presence: Reflections on Mindfulness, Connection, and the Christmas season
When we are present with ourselves, in our own bodies, in our own minds, we can begin to recognise ourselves.

Depression: Stigma and Getting Help
Depression is often misunderstood, and some studies report that only half of people living with depression seek professional help for it.

Trauma and Mental Health
Our Clinical Director, Dr Susan Brannick, explores trauma’s impact on mental health, particularly within Irish society.

Celebrating 50 Years of Dublin Pride: Reflecting on Progress and Continuing the Fight for LGBTI+ Rights and Mental Health
Read our June Clinical Director blog.

Aware’s older adult research reveals high rates of depression and anxiety
Aware today announced the findings from its recent survey focused on the mental health experiences of older adults in Ireland.

Broadening mental health support
A review of recent reports advocating the need to move beyond a biomedical focused approach and emphasising the importance of recognising the social, psychological and economic determinants of mental health.

Solace Café to open in South Dublin from Friday May 24th
The Solace Café is a free out of hours friendly and supportive community space open to anyone from the South County Dublin area requiring mental health support.

Aware’s national survey reveals continued high rates of depression and anxiety
Aware today announced the findings from its national survey looking at the public’s experience and perception of depression and anxiety.

A poem on postnatal depression
A powerful poem from Gemma on her experience of postnatal depression.

Understanding Anxiety
If fear and anxiety allow our survival and are so adaptative, why is anxiety such a problem for so many?

Bipolar disorder: Stigma and awareness
Ahead of World Bipolar Day, this blog explores stigma as one of the most common and challenging social issues that affects people living with bipolar disorder.

Depression recovery and prevention in 2024
What does 2024 hold for us in terms of advancing our understanding of depression recovery as well as prevention?

Managing mental health at Christmas
Navigating Christmas is even harder when trying to manage depression, and this month can be incredibly difficult for many.

The Aware Christmas 5K is back!
Challenge yourself to a 5K at your own pace in support of Aware’s vital mental health services. Lace up your runners and kick off the

Fear and Anxiety
For fear to be enjoyable, researchers found that a ‘sweet spot’ is needed. That is, the right amount of fear.

Mental health is a universal human right
October marks the annual WHO World Mental Health Day on 10th October. This year the theme is ‘Mental health is a universal human right’.

Connection and mental health
From our first experience of being in relationship with another person, right across the lifespan, we are relating to & connecting with others.

The earlier, the better
Through an ”earlier is better’ strategy, we can educate ourselves on the signs and symptoms of mental health problems, intervening early to support ourselves and to gain the support we need.

Self-compassion is a skill that can be learnt and increasing it can help people relate to difficulties in ways that can reduce suffering.

Wayne’s mental health journey
Wayne has been experiencing anxiety, depression and OCD for the last 15 years. Read about his mental health journey.

The Big Splash for Aware
We’re excited to announce The Big Splash for Aware, urging people all over Ireland to challenge themselves to a cold-water dip on Saturday 23rd September in support of mental health.

Yvonne’s experience of bipolar disorder
Bipolar is certainly not a life sentence and with the right support and treatment you can have a wonderful life.

Safety Tips for Cold Water Swimming
Before you take part in The Big Splash for Aware, we’ve got some safety tips for you. It’s essential to prioritise your safety and be prepared for any emergencies that may arise.